Good Neighbor Initiative


“To take action and encourage a sense of ownership and responsibility for the community, fostering stronger connections between neighbors and a healthier environment for all”


  • To encourage communities to assume a collective responsibility and take action to improve the natural environment around them.
  • To involve volunteers in the cleaning and maintenance of public spaces to help preserve the natural beauty and recreational value of the area(s).
  • To assist in yard care and minor home repairs or modifications for the elderly and disabled residents of the CSRA


The Band of Brothers Augusta (B.O.B.) Good Neighbor Initiative is designed to aesthetically improve our environment by creating cleaner parks, streetscapes, and public spaces through litter removal and elimination.  The clean-up is meant to unify and beautify the CSRA communities and prompt individuals to take greater responsibility for their local environment. By taking care of yard maintenance and minor home repairs, they ensure that elderly and disabled residents can live in safe, comfortable, and well-maintained homes.

Through a partnership with the Augusta Environmental Services Department, corporate partners, organizations, and a number of selfless volunteer; the Band of Brothers Augusta help to contribute to the transformation of communities and public spaces around the CSRA. Many elderly and disabled residents are at risk of falls or other accidents due to uneven walkways, loose handrails, or overgrown landscaping. Addressing these issues reduces hazards and enhances safety.

Home repairs and modifications can be prohibitively expensive; the Band of Brothers Augusta steps in to provide solutions that might otherwise be out of reach. These services are often provided free of charge or at minimal cost, alleviating financial stress for individuals on fixed or limited incomes. Through these efforts, the Band of Brothers Augusta not only meets practical needs but also fosters dignity, independence, and a sense of belonging among some of the most vulnerable members of the CSRA community.