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Help the Community

Help Us Help The Community

Band of Brothers

Help People Now

Our Vision

To bridge the gap between the community and its leadership.

Help People Now

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote and ensure economic growth, community outreach, and mentorship within the Augusta/CSRA community.

Who We Are

Our Values

Who We Are

Why Support Us?

The goal of Band of Brothers is to identify specific, unmet needs in our community and work with community organizations and leaders to fill them. We rely on volunteers, donors, and other partners to provide financial, time, skills, and resource-based support to help advance our cause.

Investing in our organization fuels its growth, sustainability and gives power back to the community. Long-term support is crucial to deliver the systemic change needed to ensure a lasting impact in the Augusta community, which will amplify the community's resilience and strength while catalyzing growth and opportunity. Band of Brothers Augusta, Inc. exists to enhance the options available to the people throughout the Augusta/CSRA region.

What We do


Health & Wellness

Economic Growth

Community Outreach


Help Us Help The Community

band of brothers augusta

community calendar

Local organizations and city leaders are encouraged to submit events to the official Band of Brothers Augusta events calendar for community events, meetings, trainings, and exhibitions happening around the city of Augusta.

Community calendar

Beautiful Photos


Past juneteenth augusta festival Sponsors

Help Us Help The Community